Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Orlando Sentinel Truths and Myths

Fact: I used to work at the Orlando Sentinel.
Fact: I loved it there.
Fact: I married an Orlando Sentinel editor (see previous post).
Fact: I still love him.
Fact: He's upper management there.
Myth: I had front-page stories because I married what some would refer to as "upper management" (others might call him middle mgmt - he's an AME, call him whatever you like, his name is Steve, by the way, and he'a also a best friend and amazing dad).
Fact: When my stories landed on A1, he had recused himself from front-page voting.
Myth: Upper management at the Orlando Sentinel is NOT enjoying cutting staff positions. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, it's about killing them.
Fact: Cutting staff is a depressing side effect of TRIBUNE CO. mandates to trim millions dollars from newspaper budgets. Newspapers are running out of other options. Yes, it stinks. Many of my former co-workers are gone, at the Sentinel and at other newspapers. Or are scared they will be next. But you can only cut so much TP from the toiletry budget to total a few million - AGAIN.
Fact: Some people hate the new re-design, some people like it. Some people jump to the parts they like and crumple up the rest.
Fact: The re-design saved money. And probably saved at least somebody's job. For now.
Myth: The Doyle's never talk about any of this at home.
Fact: When we do, sadness strikes, and strikes hard I can barely stand to hear the names when they've been announced, wondering who will next. My husband tears up every time. I suppose now you'll quickly yank him out of the upper mgmt category, eh?
Fact: My husband does not know I am writing this- yet. So don't rip on him if you find typos in my blog.

So, about this blog. What this blog won't be: A Sentinel-bashing blog. As I said, I loved it there. Am I saying that because my husband still works there? Many are screaming yes. Most who know me, know better than that. Was it perfect? No. But I'll never forget one night...Ann, Sean and Sal were arguing over the lead of one of my stories - an important one. I sat there just soaking up every word thinking, "It just doesn't get any better than this." I learned more listening to their 20-minute conversation than I did in some entire journalism classes.

Anyway, there are enough new Sentinel-thumping blogs out there to tickle your fancy, believe me. But we will talk about it from time to time, yes. Because it's our hometown paper. And it's important. Whether you like it or not. Whether you believe changes going on there are spiteful, or simply a result of unfortunate times and new leadership - not new Sentinel leadership. Be smarter and look higher than that. It's easy to be angry - in psychology that's the "easy" emotion. Dig deeper.

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